Resveratrol: It’s good for mice but what about us?

MAGIC PILL?This antioxidant can protect against cancer, heart disease and diabetes. It can lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation and ease pain. Best of all, perhaps, it can help users live 30% longer than they would without it.

Resveratrol — a substance found most notably in red wine — is sometimes called a “miracle molecule.”

In labs around the world, scientists are devoting their lives to studying it, and they’re writing so many papers about it that mere mortals are hard-pressed to keep up with them all.

In short, the evidence is nearly overwhelming that resveratrol can work wonders for your health.

That is, if you’re a mouse.

Full article:  Los Angeles Times

2 Responses to “Resveratrol: It’s good for mice but what about us?”

  1. CRONLarry Says:

    The reporter takes a wait-and-see view of the human benefits of resveratrol, which is fine, but the best thing I took out of this article is the UC Irvine study. It’s amazing.

    Resveratrol inhibits cellular change in colon cancer patients, “suggesting that resveratrol may be more useful in prevention than in treatment.”

    Very promising, people, very promising.

  2. krsnaKhandelwal Says:

    It only confirms an establish truth, red wine is worderful in more ways than one.

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